Ruoteclassiche - N° 360 December 2018

Gazoline - January 2019

epocAuto - January 2019 (N° 1)

Alfa Romeo Owners Club UK magazine - February 2019 (53/1)

Owners Comments
Umberto: "Un'opera omnia incredibilmente dettagliata. Un lavoro mostruoso! Complimenti!"
Simone: "Complimenti per il tuo libro, è bellissimo!"
Andy: "Alfasud book arrived yesterday and I love it thank you..."
Ted: "Book has arrived!! Really very, very impressed, what a great effort and beautifully produced, well done."
Ali: "I'm very impressed, it´s fantastic..!"
Alberto: "Grazie mille Lincoln, è già sul mio tavolo! Bellissimo, lo leggerò con molto interesse ed emozione."
Mario: "Il libro è arrivato, è davvero bello, fatto bene e completo."
Barbara: "Happy and excited I receive your great work about il Trofeo."
Bert: "I received it past week and it is an absolute quality piece, great effort. It may take me a year though to finish reading it as I will take it from time to time to read pieces."
Gert: "Thank You very much for sending us this wounderful document! We start reading immedeately!"
Johannes: "Thank you very much for the great book! Memories are awakening, very beautiful pictures and very well written."
Néstor: "Thank you for the book, it's a fantastic work!!"